Simplify Complex Information

Get your decision makers out of the weeds.

Make better decisions, faster - Our EIS (Executive Information System) brings all of your critical business information together in one place.

*Integrated Dashboards & Scorecards

business intelligence dashboard
female doctor standing near woman patient doing breast cancer screening

Application Development

Robust and scalable custom solutions that drive measurable business value.  

Example: Property inventory system for a Waste Management company. 

GPS Tracking

When you absolutely need to know where your assets are.

We have a wide array of solutions that include key partnerships with hardware manufacturers as well as the deep knowledge to help clients develop customized business processes. 

Custom Quote
man in blue dress shirt holding black corded device
customer modeling and segmentation

Helping customers target the 20% of leads that produce 80% of their revenue. 

LEAP Modeling for Sales & Marketing

Customized customer modeling and leads segmentation communicated simply.  Scorecards for every customer and every lead with the capability for continuous updates.  

Proprietary Heat Mapping

Combine all the variables influencing business decisions into one simple to understand tool.

Example: Retailer needed to find the best location for multiple new sites. Roll demographics, traffic patterns, psychographics and facility specific variables into a customized heat map.

doctor and nurse during operation